"LIKE" it?
"DON"T LIKE" it?
I grew up not just "LIKING" track and field .I loved it.
I have told many people : Track has brought me some of the very best things in my life.
Historically I have not "LIKED" some aspects of track and field.
In the past 26 years I have endured some of the most difficult events in track and field history and thankfully I "LIKE" track again. I think I might even say " I LOVE IT".
What I don't get is why people like to steal other people's stuff and publish it.
I don't " LIKE " when people do this sort of thing.
I guess some people" LIKE" my stuff so much they want to give it to everyone. I am sure they must be a great people everyone " LIKES". They are just so generous don't you think?
I tried sending these people a note saying I don't "LIKE" that you have stolen my copyright protected material and you are not supposed to publish it without my permission.
I am wondering if the conclusion I have is correct.
Do these people "LIKE" the work of my late husband Coach Charlie Francis?
I wonder if they know I might not "LIKE" what they are doing.
I wonder if they think I am dead. I don't think they know I am alive and make my livelihood from selling my material. I don't "LIKE " that but I guess I need to wake up, get off my sprinters butt and do more about this sort of thing. GEE Whiz. I better get busy.
Good luck with your training and make sure you are taking care of you.